Sunday, April 19, 2015

Polar bears Going Extinct

 This past week I learned that polar bears may be going extinct due to global warming. The ice caps are melting at an alarming rate and are causing sea levels to rise. Scientists have been researching the diet of the polar bears who have already moved to land and the conclusion is that they cannot get enough nutrition.
 However, other scientists disagree because they have been studying polar bears for many years and have seen polar bears adapt and live off of the land. They believe polar bears will adapt and eat anything they find to survive. They think that the worst that the polar bears could experience is hunger.
 Though, what's happening in the Artic doesn't only affect polar bears. Due to the ice caps melting sea levels are rising which could potentially cause the weather to change drastically all over the globe. Scientists conclude that if the Artic warms up faster than the mid latitudes do then the jet stream could slow down. Which could cause particular weather conditions like intense heat or intense snow.

 The last Polar Bear


  1. Good job Clarissa! Those poor Polar Bears! I liked the information about the sea level rising, and yes, it affects us all. I'm doing what I can for the environment, including being vegan. I can't wait to read what you write next!

    -Angela Orozco

  2. It is sad to see the polar bears going extinct. They are very mystic creatures that will be missed once there gone.

  3. It is sad to see them going extinct. They surly will be missed once they are gone.
