Sunday, May 10, 2015

The ending of genius hour ..........

 Genius hour is coming to an end and I honestly wish it wasn't. Even though genius hour is ending I hope to continue to posting more blogs over my topic. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to do this project!
 Some questions in reference to my journey and experience from genius hour:
 1. What was your favorite part of the topic you chose?
 My favorite part about my topic was I could always find a variety of different information that was very interesting. Also,there was never a point when I couldn't find information online over my topic.
2. What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose?
 My least favorite part of my topic was that I couldn't really do hands on activities. It was more focused on researching rather than doing activities.
3. What do you like best about Genius Hour research?
 It allows you to learn about topics that interest you and allows you to be as creative as you want. 
4. What do you like least about Genius Hour research?
 Sometimes my computer was slow or maybe I was just too impatient. But there was not really anything I disliked about it.
5. What was the most important thing you learned about yourself, how you learn, or research in general as a result of this work?
 I learned that I rather work hands on than just look up information online.
 I really enjoyed doing this project and I can honestly say that this project was probably one of the most interesting projects I have ever done. Thank you Mrs.heckert for assigning this project it was such an amazing project and Happy Mother's Day ! 

Sunday, May 3, 2015


 According to geologists a serious of life threatening "extreme geological events" could occur due to climate change or global warming. The disappearing ice,sea-level rise,and floods that are already forecasted for the 21st century are already inevitable as the earth warms and weather patterns change. Evidence from the last ice age has already shown that the planet's uneasy web of seismic faults are very sensitive to the small pressure changes. A sensitive volcano or seismic fault line is very dangerous.
 For example,the recent earthquake that occurred in Nepal could be a possible earthquake caused by climate change consequences. The earthquake occurred when the section that holds up India slipped under the Eurasian plate. The earthquake caused buildings to collapse all over the region and left more than 7,000 dead and injured. Aftershocks were also causing major chaos.
 Scientists expect major weather changes for the 21st century. There could be more earthquakes,tsunamis,and volcanoes. I guess you could say that Nepals earthquake is only the beginning.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Anesthesia and Global Warming ?

When you think of anesthesia you probably think of surgeries or dental operations. But anesthesia doesn't only help you to go to sleep during surgeries or dental operations it also helps global warming. When I stumbled upon this information during research I was very shocked. I never knew getting a tooth extraction or having a surgery could harm our planet even more.
 However, anesthetic gases have been found in the atmosphere. The gases are greenhouse gases which means they trap heat in the atmosphere. They even trap more heat per pound emitted than carbon dioxide. For example, the gas desflurane traps 2,500 kilograms for each kilogram.
 Though, research confirms that anesthetic gases only contribute a small amount to climate change or global warming. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't do an effort to reduce the amount of anesthetics we use or try to find an alternative. It is quite alarming that the gases could even be measured at all in the atmosphere.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Polar bears Going Extinct

 This past week I learned that polar bears may be going extinct due to global warming. The ice caps are melting at an alarming rate and are causing sea levels to rise. Scientists have been researching the diet of the polar bears who have already moved to land and the conclusion is that they cannot get enough nutrition.
 However, other scientists disagree because they have been studying polar bears for many years and have seen polar bears adapt and live off of the land. They believe polar bears will adapt and eat anything they find to survive. They think that the worst that the polar bears could experience is hunger.
 Though, what's happening in the Artic doesn't only affect polar bears. Due to the ice caps melting sea levels are rising which could potentially cause the weather to change drastically all over the globe. Scientists conclude that if the Artic warms up faster than the mid latitudes do then the jet stream could slow down. Which could cause particular weather conditions like intense heat or intense snow.

 The last Polar Bear

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Change,For The Better Or For The Worse?

        Change,for the better or for the worse?

 We always hear about global warming and our planet changing because of humanity polluting,littering,creating excess amount of CO2,etc. But have we really stopped for a second and informed ourselves of what we are doing to our precious planet? That is what I plan to do with this research,inform myself over the way our planet was before and how we have changed it.
 By doing the research I think I will find many things i didn't know before. I'm sure I will have so much fun doing this research because ever since I was a child I was very interested in the solar system and wanted to learn everything about outer space and earth.
  I hope to find very interesting and useful information. I also want to find out ways that I can contribute to help our planet and not damage it more. I am sure that it will be very fun and interesting researching this subject as it is such a relevant subject right now.